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'The Pilgrim's Way' by Simon Palmer (Print)

'The Pilgrim's Way' by Simon Palmer (Print)

'The Pilgrim's Way' by Simon Palmer (Print)

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Price: £225.00


Image Size: 560mm x 400mm (image size does not include paper border, mount and frame) Format: Giclée Print, [ed. size 850] on 310gsm thick 100% cotton rag. Hand-numbered and hand-embossed. Price: £225.00.

Watercolour on paper. Original size: 88.3 x 65.0 cm. As so often in Palmer’s work the narrative is strong: pilgrims walk along a path between trees, through a wood, and towards a church. But this is not necessarily doctrinal imagery the church, the path, the wood, the book but something universal: life’s ways; life’s travails; the need for rest before continuing; the need for a guide book, green as the surrounding fields, from which to seek direction. It is late summer, early autumn the hay is still in the fields, and there’s light suffusing the picture from a sun low on a distant horizon. (source: BookroomArtPress)